
Title: Public Notice
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
BOK Public Notice - Eng.pdf1.87 MB 1.87 MB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: List of Branches Converting to Islamic Banking
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Schedule of Service Charges Islamic
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Vehicles for Auction
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
BoK 20x4 English-converted(1).pdf1.27 MB 1.27 MB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes (08.01.2020)
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Six Year financial Highlights
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Six-year-highlights.pdf230.85 KB 230.85 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Corrigendum (20.05.2020)
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Corrigendum_20.05.2020.pdf241.06 KB 241.06 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes Procurement of I.T Equipment (15.04.2020)
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes: Fraud Resolution Management Software (20.02.2020)
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Corrigendum: EOI Shortlisting of Human Resource searching firms (18.1.2020)
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes: Procurement of Manageable Switches
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes CRM Software_13.01.2020
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes: Renovation & Construction of all Branches _13.01.2020
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Corrigendum: Expression of Interest Shortlisting of HR firms (09.01.2020)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Expression of Interest: Short Listing of Human Resource Companies (24.12.2019)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: bok-cateogory-of-sharehodling
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
BOK-Category-of-Shareholding-2018.pdf207.23 KB 207.23 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement: EOI for shortlisting of Takaful and insurance companies (18.12.2019)
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Announcement_0.pdf335.03 KB 335.03 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes: Maintenance and Repair of UPS (17.12.2019)
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Pre Bid Meeting Minutes: Maintenance and Repair of GD sets (17.12.2019)
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bidding Document For Passenger and Cargo Lifts (10-12-2019)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:

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